monday morning in the office

last week the child health nurse visited. One of her questions was whether I planned to return to work. That’s a question I haven’t heard since Keira was born. I know it was a routine question on her checklist to ask me and I told her I was lucky enough to make some money on the side through my website but think I’ll be too busy to return to work anytime soon. That’s my short answer……….the long answer is that when I left work in the city to have Keira I knew I didn’t want to go back. Ever. But I certainly never expected to be this busy at home or have a family of 7 or that retro daddy would be working away so often!

monday morning laptop

But it certainly got me thinking later on how I love life as it is. Sure I’m sleeping on the couch (if you can call it sleep), my eyebrows are so hairy and overgrown, I sometimes forget to put deodorant on in the morning and there are plenty of times when the bigger kids are fighting and hurting my ears.

monday morning
And I really am happy at home. Yesterday I had keira with me and they were all playing outside while I was looking on, a load of washing was out and another one was in the machine, emerson was finally asleep on me, my new shiny laptop was all set up, hot tea was on one side, blanket to finish on the other. I took the vacuum out to vac up bits of crackers and biscuits from the floor. And the only thing I didn’t take a photo of was the 5 chocolate biscuits I’d eaten after doing the dishes. No one needs to see that.

hot peppermint tea
And that was my monday morning in my office…….much better and more satisfying than banking anyday! 


  1. It’s the best life! <3

  2. Corrie, your office looks just lovely, especially the new laptop.

    Gorgeous pic of Emerson too. He is a beauty.

    Kids, a home, work on the computer makes for a very busy life.

  3. You returned back to ‘work’ the day you came home from hospital :-)

  4. Tea and biscuits… and even washing… beats banking any day :)

  5. Seriously? She asked you that? Wow. Didn’t it look like you were busy enough without having to think about heading back to (paid) work. I think they need to think about their standard questions a bit more!!

    Great morning in the office Corrie. Similar to mine here, minus the newborn. Mines coming shortly! :)

  6. Nice post Corrie!

  7. I agree. I run a business and have three kids. I must say that my days in the office are great as a breather and a break from my routine but I do look forward to my at home days. Nothing makes me feel more accomplished then when I am on top of everything on the home front.

  8. ha. I laugh when people ask me this too. I say I told my husband I never plan on being in full time work ever again! (I’m sure one day when this long phase of parenting young children is over I will…) though a day at the office sans children does sound wonderful occasionally. I really dont know how those mums do it all. Takes me all day to run my kids to all their places, cooking from scratch, a little cleaning….

  9. I love my days at home, I am grateful that we have the means for me not to have to go back to paid work. I only have one munchkin, and that seems to keep me on my toes.
    Emerson is gorgeous, makes me clucky again

  10. Totally agree Corrie. I love my office as well, although the hours are a killer!
    I’m a little sad to think my baby goes to school next year and I feel my position may become redundant.
    If I do get to continue staying home it’s going to be one very lquiet and lonely office between 9 and 3.

    Oh and please stop posting adorable sleeping baby pics. They really really really make me want another baby.
    Ok, so only screaming baby pics at 2am from now on, k?

  11. Your office sounds idyllic!, Tea, biscuits, outdoors, lovely. Lol at the forgetting to put deodorant on. I hate it when I forget to brush my hair and someone knocks on the door. Oops.
    I feel guilty spending so much time on the computer when I’m home with my kids! But, I guess, I dont make any money from it, perhaps if I did it wouldn’t feel so bad.

  12. I love that you are enjoying your stay at home mummy life so much! I hope I enjoy mine as much as you are enjoying yours. When I went on maternity leave from my job I decided then and there that there was NO WAY I would go back to that place! :) I like how positive you are – your blog is a good influence on me!


  13. It really is lovely to be at home all day with your little ones and know that you are “working” at the same time.

  14. Its funny how we sit back and say “yeah.. you know what? I kinda like it this way and I can’t imagine what life would be like without kids, crackers on the floor and squealing.”

    I love spending my days with my kids too. Gorgeous pic of Emerson btw 😉

  15. I love your post, it is funny how people make assumptions or judge unintentionally or intentionally to try and fit everyone into the “norm”. We have a one year old and find people still can’t get their heads around that my Husband is a stay at home Dad at the moment and I have returned to work. I would love to be a stay at home mum again one day soon – it is the best job in the world. Enjoy your gorgeous baby and your wonderful office.

  16. Yay, LOVE being at home, i’ve done all the babies so i’m plain sailing with all 4 in school. I am constantly asked when i will go back to work. My husband is constantly away with the Army & i have 4 social, sporty, smart children, are you kidding me?? Plus we move state every 2 years. I have zero desire to resume my pharmacology career, especially since the children started school, as i’ve never been busier. I live in Canberra, VERY double income down here, mind you, most families only have 1 or 2 children, perhaps having 4 in 4 years bumped me out of the workforce, i don’t care, i do my own thing & i’m free for every assembly & sports carnival. All i can say is high school is FULL ON, a lot of assignments, sports & parties, i work my day around my afternoon, as i refuse to rush dinner & homework by walking in the door at 6p.m. No one else is cleaning my house or putting dinner on for me. I just say it really positively, “I’m a housewife” & few challenge it. I feel so incredibly lucky to be one. Mind you, my husband goes to war & the bonus money enables me to stay home, so i don’t take it for granted. All i know is that my children thank me for baking their recess, helping with homework, picking them up every single day. Good for you Corrie, enjoy it, it’s fun busy & family is everything. Love Posie

  17. I love these kinds of posts, it makes me thankful for the role I chose despite the circumstances.

  18. Isn’t that a dream job…..I’m living in my dream job too :)

  19. I laughed at the question” are you going back to work?”…. I know there is work and work, but surely looking after a family of 7 with all the lovely cooking/baking/sewing/knitting/blogging you do, is not a holiday! Good on you for your choice and I would think a child health nurse would know better than ask this sort of question….

  20. Like you, I love being at home too and appreciate that I can do this when so many have to return to the workforce. Emerson looks so snug in his sling! He’s a good looking boy :)

  21. Gorgeous Corrie! I love your view of the world you have created, it’s really refreshing and inspiring. I’ve said it before, you’re a beautiful Mama.
    And I LOVE that you get stuck into the chocci bikkies too… Caramel Crowns are my latest obsession! xo

  22. I loved this post too. It’s so nice to be reminded of the positives of being at home.

  23. so lovely to see another Mum enjoying her work! i too have 5 little ones (aged 1 to 11) and yes lots of jobs are tough, but there is such satisfaction in seeing them all done. Especially when there’s a cup of tea and a choc biscuit as a reward. BTW, Emerson is an absolutely delicious baby!!

  24. You have a beautiful baby.. And you’re a really nice Mom, taking him to the Office with you:)

  25. This is like my office, although I have fewer co-workers than you do.
    Isn’t our job just the greatest ever.

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