just smile for mummy

I tried to get my little miss to stay still & smile

and I kept trying

and finally we got there! A few hats made it to madeit

Then I tried my little miss number 2…..I had to crawl around after her & gave up in the end!


  1. Isn’t it frustrating when they won’t co-operate, lol!

    The hats are cute – and so are the kids, even if they aren’t smiling.

  2. Looks like someone is about to get a stern telling-off in that first photo

  3. He he!I know the feeling!When my daughter she was few monnth old I think I took hundreds of picture of her staying still..now I have to take 100 to get 1 still!

  4. Dont you just hate it when they pout like they are being tortured for a picture. Love the hats, they both look adorable in them.

  5. Very pretty hats and I actually think the pout is quite cute.

  6. so cute, even not smiling, I love Keira’s green and pink edged hat. The colours are gorgeous!

  7. gorgeous hats, love the flowers and the photos are oh so cute

  8. My kids’ idea of smiling at the camera is putting on the worlds cheesiest grin (for about a nano second) and by the time I take the photo, they’ve already moved on.
    Result = blur.
    You’ve actually done well by our standards.
    Super cute little hats.
    Andi :-)

  9. My kids don’t like to pose for pictures either. It can be like pulling teeth sometimes to get a picture. But the pout makes it so cute.

    Those hats are beautiful.


  10. She is such a classic!! Gorgeous little hats – so pretty!!

  11. Gorgeous hats!

    I tried out your brownie recipe for an afternoon tea on the weekend and they were a hit. Luckily there were a couple left to have warmed with icecream (diet? what diet?)

  12. LOL! Gotta love that saying “Never work with Children & Animals”
    Love it and the hats of course.
    21st ammunition I’d say.

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